세계국술협회 ®

Kuk Sool Won

World Kuk Sool Association ®

School Owner Terms of Use

You are entering this section of the WKSA Website as an official, registered School Owner, who has entered into an Agreement between yourself and the WKSA. The use and reproduction of all the materials contained within this section of the Web Site, and all other sections of this Web Site, fall under the protection of that Agreement.

You shall not allow any other party to use your School Owner’s ID & Pass Word at any time.

You shall not alter or make any changes, or allow others to alter or make any changes, to the material provided on this website.

You shall not compile your own School Forms

You shall only use the Official WKSA Forms and materials as provided herein Specifically, you are hereby reminded that the terms of the Agreement mandate that you will not take part in, or enter into action of any kind, that would cause your infringement in any way of the following clauses:

13.1.1 Be in direct opposition to the WKSA goals.
13.1.2 Failure to follow the WKSA Quality Assurance Program Agreement.
13.1.3 Continuous or repeated violation of any of the WKSA rules and regulations.
13.1.4 Negative influence towards the WKSA, its’ members or society.